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4 Ways to Make a Puppy Feel Comfortable in Your Home

If you are thinking about getting a puppy and you’ve never had one, you should learn about how to make them feel comfortable. A puppy is like a newborn baby, they need time to adjust to their new surroundings and you must provide them with plenty of attention and stimulation. Here are 4 ways to ensure your new puppy feels comfortable in your home.

  1. Take Your Time

A puppy shouldn’t be taken from its mother when it is less than 2 months old, it needs to feed and receive nourishment. Although you may be excited to get your new puppy, you must be patient and allow the dog to stay with its mother at the beginning. The mother will provide the pup with essential antibodies which help it to ward off infection and build its immune system. If a pup isn’t nourished by its mother, you’ll have a lot of problems in the future.

  1. Doggy Bed

A pup will soon settle into its new environment and start to explore the garden and your home. If you’ve kids in the house, they’ll probably get lots of attention. Although this is fine, the pup may feel overstimulated and start to get tired. Providing a good quality bed for them to rest is essential when it comes to puppy supplies. If you are looking for dog bed guides, there are plenty of great blogs and articles online. You’ll find lots of information about the right bed to purchase for your puppy.

Consider these important points when buying a bed for your puppy:

  • It must be comforting and soft for your pup.
  • It should be the perfect size, not too big and not too small.
  • If you’ve an old bed lying around or you’ve bought a 2nd hand one, make sure it isn’t damaged.
  • Don’t choose a bed that is moveable, it will probably be used as play toy more than the pups sleeping quarters.
  1. Introductions

A great way to ensure your puppy feels safe and secure in their new surroundings is to show them around the house and introduce them to its occupants. Carry the pup around and show it to everyone in the house, this allows the dog time to become acquainted with family members.

  1. Be Gentle with Food

If your pup is still very young, you must be careful when giving it food. It probably hasn’t had anything other than its mothers’ milk, so it will take time to adjust to solid food. Be patient when feeding and always allow them time to adapt. If you feed them too much, you’ll cause an upset stomach which could result in vomiting.

You’ll find a lot of information online when it comes to getting a new puppy and helping them adjust to their new environment. If you are reading material online or anywhere else, make sure it has been written by a professional and not just someone who thinks they know best.

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